Distrusting the Fed

May 09, 2011, 5:00 PM GMT+0

Americans have little confidence in the people in charge of the U.S. economy these days: the latest Economist/YouGov Poll shows a majority of the country continuing to disapprove of how the President is handling the economy, and half have little or no confidence in the Federal Reserve Board as well. 

The individuals who lead the Reserve and the U.S. Treasury Department also get negative assessments. More than a third have unfavorable opinions of Federal Reserve head Ben Bernanke and of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. Just over a quarter views Bernanke favorably; even fewer are positive about Geithner.

American perceptions about how things are going economically continue to be negative. Only one in five say the economy is getting better. 

Full datasets for Economist/YouGov polls can be found here.

Photo source: flickr ( woodleywonderworks )

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