Hard Times: 72% Say Country Is On The Wrong Track, President And Congress At Or Near Record Lows In

October 27, 2011, 8:00 PM GMT+0

These are not good times for Americans. Americans overwhelmingly think things are off on the wrong track, and that concern also is bringing down their opinion of the person in charge — President Barack Obama. The President’s approval ratings is just one point above the lowest ever recorded for him in Economist/YouGov Polls. Just 38% approve of his handling of his job, while 53% disapprove. 

There are other low marks for the President this week. Just 43% believe that he mostly says what he really believes; 57% -close to the highest figure ever — think he panders and says mostly what he thinks people want to hear.

Overall judgments of how things are going in the country are at a record low. 72% believe things are seriously off on the wrong track, near the highest level in the Obama Presidency. 

As for Congress, its approval rating this week ties its all-tie low in this poll. Only 7% approve of how Congress is handling its job. Republicans feel only marginally better: 16% of them approve. Just 4% of independents do. 77% of independents disapprove. 

Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.

Photo source: Press Association

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