(Week of 7/14/2012) The President’s overall approval rating has languished in the low 40’s for months, although this week it has jumped a bit to 46%. Congressional approval is often in single digits, though it too is up this week — all the way to 13%. As for other institutions, approval appears to be somewhere in between. But one institution stands out for high approval ratings in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll : the military.
Disapproval ratings for all the agencies tend to be low, with many Americans choosing to not rate an organization. But there are several agencies that get negative scores, and two of those happen to be ones that Americans are most likely to have personal contact with: TSA (and Home land Security) and the Internal Revenue Service.
But negative scores also go to agencies that are further from the public, but which can impact them: the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Reserve and the Supreme Court. The Court suffered in public esteem (especially among Republicans) after its ruling to uphold the Affordable Care Act. And where there are party differences on these questions, almost always Republicans are more disapproving than Democrats are.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association