(Week of 11/10/2012) When Sean Connery last starred as James Bond, Ronald Reagan was president. Connery’s six other Bond movies appeared between 1962 and 1971, long before some of the respondents in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll were born. But he is still the best—and that is something on which both young and old, and Republican and Democrat can agree.

While Connery leads with all groups as the fans’ "best" Bond, there are some demographic differences. Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore run a close second and a close third with those between the ages of 30 and 44, perhaps reflecting the Bonds that this age group is more familiar with. Daniel Craig—whose Skyfall just opened last weekend—gets his largest support from those under 30, who are least likely to have seen movies starring all of the other Bond portrayers. 20% of men pick Daniel Craig, the current Bond, as the best one. Only 11% of women do.

Six in ten Americans claim they are James Bond fans—and one in five claim to be big fans of the British spy. Liking Bond crosses gender, party, and age lines. 65% of those who voted for President Obama last week are Bond fans, and so are 59% of those who voted for Republican Mitt Romney.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association