Many (45%) oppose a military parade in Washington DC
Donald Trump wants a parade.
But the latest Economist/YouGov Poll indicates that the public isn’t sure that’s a great idea.
The military parade, which the President proposed on his return from a visit to France where he watched a Bastille Day parade with French President Emmanuel Macron, isn’t especially popular. Only a third of the public favor that type of parade on a U.S. holiday. 45% do not.
Republicans are supportive, as they are of most questions involving President Trump’s goals, and Democrats are opposed, as they usually are. Current military members and their families are in favor: 44% of them support the parade, 32% do not. Veterans are much less sure about it: 44% of veterans support a parade, 42% do not.
Americans are even more closely divided when asked if a military parade would honor America’s veterans or just resemble military parades in undemocratic countries like North Korea. Once again, veterans also are very closely divided. By 45% to 36%, current military members and their families see a parade as something that would honor the military and veterans, not just imitate other countries.
While support varies among groups, there is consensus about the lack of any necessity for such an observance. 71% agree with the statement: “When you’re the most powerful nation, you don’t have to show it off.” Among Republicans, twice as many agree with that statement as disagree. Veterans and those with current links to the military agree as well.
Veterans also aren’t sure that a parade would project strength by showcasing American might. They divide evenly – 43% saying it would, 45% saying it would not. The public overall disagrees that it would 45% to 38%.
Read the latest topline and tables results here
Photo: Getty