YouGov October Recontact Polls: A Round-Up
Between October 4 and October 11th, YouGov recontacted likely voters in twenty five states to find out whether and how their vote intentions had changed since early-mid September, when they were first polled (for an overview of the September results, click here). Results of the October recontacts show that ...
16 Oct 2012Article
YouGov state-by-state polls: a round-up
YouGov conducted polls on the presidential race, as well as U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races, in twenty seven states between September 7th and September 14th. To help sort through the many interesting results in these polls, we've classified states into five categories: battleground states, rust belt states, states with a ...
22 Sep 2012Article
Will The Ryan Choice Have an Impact?
Ever since Mitt Romney announced that Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan will be his running mate in the fall campaign, the political world has debated whether the addition of Ryan to the Republican ticket will help or hurt Romney’s chances in the fall. Those arguing that Ryan will provide a boost ...
28 Aug 2012Article
Tax Cuts and Economic Growth: What Does the Public Think?
The contemporary debate over tax policy is laden with competing claims about the supposed economic benefits of cutting taxes for different income groups. Republican politicians justify their support for cutting taxes on the wealthy by arguing that such tax cuts would stimulate economic growth. But when faced with proposals ...
11 Jul 2012Article
Racial Profiling And The Arizona Immigration Law
(Week of 6/23/2012) The Supreme Court hearings about Arizona's immigration law primarily concerned issues of federalism (that is, the authority of the national government versus the states on immigration issues). But now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the law's most controversial portion (which requires police officers to ...
28 Jun 2012Article
Americans Are Leery Of Affordable Care Act As A Whole, But Like Many Individual Provisions
(Week of 6/16/2012) On the eve of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the American public remains sharply divided about the law. According to an Economist/YouGov survey from June 9-11, 39% of Americans would like to see the law repealed. Conversely, ...
21 Jun 2012Article
The Demographics Behind The Campaign
(Week of 6/9/2012) While the societal sources of support for Obama and Romney are complex, they can be summarized as the product of the relationship between three major demographic factors — race, gender, and education. We begin with what continues to be by far the largest racial group within ...
15 Jun 2012Article
Barack Obama: A Highly Polarizing Figure
(Week of 6/9/2012) After an initially erratic period during his first year in office, public opinion about President Obama quickly settled into a relatively stable position. As can be seen in the chart below, weekly approval measures for the president have not deviated too much in the last few ...
14 Jun 2012Article
Mitt Romney: Admiration And Ambivalence Among Americans (Including Republicans)
(Week of 6/9/2012) While the Romney campaign would like nothing more than to make President Obama and his record the entire focus of the presidential race, the Obama campaign will surely make every effort to shift the focus of the race to Romney himself. Pooled results from the last ...
14 Jun 2012Article
Is Romney's Image Changing Among Republicans?
Throughout the primary season, one of the chief obstacles that Mitt Romney faced was a palpable lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy among the Republican grassroots. At best, a substantial part of the Republican electorate was lukewarm toward his candidacy; at worst, it was downright hostile. As the campaign season ...
18 May 2012