Working from home is working for working women
New findings from YouGov’s Workforce Insights study reinforces the continuing importance that workplace flexibility holds for workers, even as more employers encourage or require working from the employer's location.
21 Nov 2022Article
Earth Day 2022: Most Americans say climate change is important. Are they investing in the planet?
After 50 years of celebrating Earth Day, where do Americans stand on climate change and the environment?
22 Apr 2022Article
What impact will the Chauvin verdict have on police accountability and race relations?
Americans are mixed in their opinions about the impact of the Chauvin verdict on police accountability.
20 May 2021Article
Women have something to teach men about leadership
More than one-third of Americans (37%) who say that being a woman hurts a person’s ability to get ahead.
27 Apr 2021Article
Would America be better with more women in charge?
More than half of women believe that society would be better than today if more women held elected office (56%), had a corporate leadership position (57%), or sat on a corporate board (55%).
19 Mar 2021Article
Support erodes for “Black Lives Matter” slogan
YouGov’s Social Change Monitor shows that Americans’ positive associations with this slogan peaked in the early part of the summer (a net score of +17 in June), when protests were most active.
24 Feb 2021Article
Conscious consumers are key to women-owned purchases and sales
The Social Change Monitor reports that 16% of US consumers had purchased from a women-owned business in the preceding 30 days.
06 Nov 2020