Understanding How Marginal Taxes Work: It’s all Party (Yet Again)
No self-respecting Washington policy wonk involved in the fiscal cliff negotiations can turn a blind eye to the public’s response to possible tax and spending changes. The public doesn’t always understand the terms being bandied about, though. Previously, I noted confusion about the payroll tax. Now I’d like to ...
08 Jan 2013Article
Only 22% Of Americans Think They Are In The 47%
When Mitt Romney’s 47% comments came to light, many were surprised that Romney’s claim that only 47% of households pay income taxes is, in fact, true. To many people, this is outrageous. Why should they be paying the federal taxes they do while so many fellow citizens get a free ...
10 Oct 2012Article
Can Presidents Persuade? The Gay Marriage Edition
Political scientists have long debated whether presidents can persuade people. George Edwards has amassed a vast array of evidence against presidential persuasion. Others, like Amnon Cavari in a recent paper, argue presidents can lead public opinion. The latter view was boosted by polls that showed ...
09 Aug 2012