Nearly two-thirds of Republican primary voters think Ryan should endorse Trump

GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has yet to back the presumptive Republican nominee, and he will be meeting with Donald Trump on Thursday. According to the latest Economist/YouGov Poll, two out of three of the voters who participated (or are still to participate) in the GOP primaries and caucuses think Ryan needs to make that endorsement.
Conservatives are especially likely to want a Ryan endorsement for Trump.
But what may be more important to Republicans – and of concern to the Speaker -- is that Republican voters like Trump more than they like Ryan. So in any conflict between the two, Republican voters may be more likely to side with their party’s presumptive presidential nominee. GOP voters disapprove of how Ryan is handling his job as Speaker of the House by a margin of 49% to 37%. And while more like Ryan personally than approve of how he is handling his job, Republican voters are still more unfavorable than favorable about the Speaker. Meanwhile, more than two out of three Republican voters have a positive view of Donald Trump.

See the Economist/YouGov results
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