Most Americans are not concerned about how their daily lives affect the environment

Hoang NguyenData Journalist
April 18, 2018, 6:30 PM GMT+0

Over half say businesses, politicians, and the government have a negative effect on the environment

Are Americans expressing less concern over how their daily lives affect the environment? That’s what YouGov Omnibus’s latest survey suggests, compared to results from a similar poll conducted last year. Last year’s poll that found that 49% of people were concerned how their typical daily activities, such as commuting and buying groceries, affected the environment. This year, just 36% of Americans say they’re concerned over the matter.

Millennials were the most likely to vocalize their concerns last year, with 59% worrying over how their daily lives impacted the environment. This year, just 39% of millennials express concern. Millennials aren’t the only ones to express less concern either; the percentage of those not concerned grew among 35- to 54-year-olds (from 48% last year to 56% this year) and those aged 55 or over (from 58% last year to 64% this year).

YouGov’s poll also delves into people’s recycling and grocery shopping habits as they relate to environment. On these topics, opinions remain relatively unchanged from last year. At least two-thirds of Americans (67%) say that they find recycling easy both this year and last year.

When it comes to the types of grocery bags they prefer to use, little has changed from last year. A plastic bag is the most popular option, with 41% saying they prefer this choice, followed by personal reusable bags (34%) and a brown paper bag (21%).

This year, YouGov also asked what effect people thought certain entities have on the environment. Over half perceive politicians (55%), businesses (54%), and government (53%) as having a negative effect on the environment, while environmental organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund are viewed in a positive light (58%).

Read more results from the 2017 and 2018 polls

Learn more about YouGov Omnibus

Photo: Getty

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