Earlier this week, news emerged about a whistleblower complaint from within the intelligence community raising alarm about a phone call in which President Donald Trump may have pressured Ukrainian government officials to investigate a potential 2020 political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.
The reports suggest that Trump may have suspended military aid to Ukraine in order to push them to investigate Biden and his son for their business dealings in that country.
On September 24, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry to get to the bottom of the reports. That inquiry could lead to impeachment in the House of Representatives.
In a survey conducted as part of YouGov’s Daily Agenda poll, 55 percent of Americans said they would support impeachment if it’s confirmed that Trump did suspend aid in order to convince Ukrainian officials to investigate.

In this survey, which was conducted before Speaker Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry, Democrats (76%) were especially likely to say that they would support impeachment if it turns out that Trump did suspend military aid to Ukraine to push them to investigate. About half (51%) of independents and nearly one-third (32%) of Republicans agree.
A larger number of Republicans (49%) say they would oppose impeachment. Three in 10 independents and 13 percent of Democrats would also oppose the move. Overall, about one quarter (26%) of the country would oppose Trump’s impeachment if he did do what he has been accused of. One in five (19%) doesn’t know whether they would support or oppose impeachment in this case.
This poll was conducted on September 24, 2019 before Speaker Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry. This poll has a sample size of 2,805 US adults and is weighted to be representative of the US population. The margin of error is 2%.
YouGov’s Daily Agenda polling is used in addition to other political trackers and polls created by YouGov. We’ll be using multiple tools to track how Americans feel about impeachment, the 2020 election, and other important issues.
Related: Americans say it's inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his rival
Image: Getty