77% of the U.S. affluent think that there is a significant probability of social unrest in America
The latest data from the YouGov Affluent Perspective shows that approval for Donald Trump as President has continued to show declines among the U.S. affluent—even prior to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12. As of July 18, 2017, 37% of the U.S. Affluent ($150k+ in household income) approve of how Trump is handling his job as President, down from 41% in February. At the same time the number who disapprove of his job performance has climbed from 49% in February to 56% in July.
For the affluent, the signs of social unrest have been brewing for some time. As of July—just prior to recent events—83% of the U.S. affluent thought that violent demonstrations in America were at least somewhat likely in the next few years. Additionally, more than three-quarters (77%) agreed that “there is significant probability of social unrest in America.”
At the same time, concern about race relations in the United States has grown among the U.S. affluent. A little over a year ago, less than half (47%) were extremely or very concerned about race relations in the U.S. – now this number stands at 56%. These numbers are likely to grow if events in Charlottesville become more commonplace.
In the end, it all comes back to their faith—or lack thereof—in the President. Over the past six months, the percentage of affluent Americans who agree that “President Trump is making tough decisions that are ultimately in our best interest” has fallen. What once was 50% in February of 2017 has shown steady declines over the past two quarters and now stands at 43%.
At the same time, the affluent continue to show that their confidence in the Trump administration is on the decline. When asked in February if they believe that the Trump administration will have a positive impact on the future of America, 45% agreed. As of July, the percentage had already declined by seven percentage points to just 38%. Similar declines are manifesting themselves in other aspects such as “confidence in your future” and “confidence in U.S. foreign relations.”