Nearly a quarter of Americans (23%) say they would like to receive a card for Valentine’s Day, while 22% would welcome chocolates
Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us, and among Americans who are planning to give gifts, the lucky recipients are likely to be their romantic partners (64%), their children (22%), or other family members (13%). New research from YouGov Omnibus shows that there are certain gifts Americans would especially like to receive (hint, hint).
Over three in ten (31%) women say they would like to receive a card, while 28% are hoping for chocolates/candy and 27% would like flowers. Another gift many women say they would like to receive is jewelry (18%), followed by a certificate for a massage or spa day (14%).
Men might prove a little harder (or maybe easier) to shop for, as 41% say they would not like to receive anything for Valentine’s Day. That said, 16% of men say they would like chocolates/candy, while a near-equal number (15%) would like to receive a card. Another 9% say they’d like to get a bottle of wine or liquor to mark the occasion, while an equal number would welcome the gift of electronics. Breakfast in bed (7%) is also a popular option.

People who are parents of children under 18 are particularly likely (14%) to say they’d like to receive wine or liquor for Valentine’s Day, compared to only 9% of the total population who chose this answer. Mom or dad probably also wouldn’t mind breakfast in bed - 16% of parents say this is something they’d like for Valentine’s Day, contrasted with 9% of the total population.
Overall, men are generally set to spend more than women are for their Valentine’s Day celebration, including gifts, travel and meals. Over four in ten (43%) men are spending $50 or more on Valentine’s Day celebrations, while only 27% of women are spending upwards of $50 for the celebration. People with household incomes of $80,000 or more are the most likely (12%) to be spending $200 or more for the occasion. Only 2% of those earning less than $40,000, and 2% of those earning between $40,000 and $80,000 have similar spending plans.
See full results here.
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Image: Getty