Exercise is all about routine. And it appears that Planet Fitness has a routine of being YouGov’s Ad of The Month every January.
For the fourth year in a row, the national chain of gyms had the highest month-over-month growth in Ad Awareness of any brand, according to YouGov BrandIndex data. Ad Awareness asks panelists if they’ve seen an advertisement for the brand in the past two weeks.
From when the clock struck midnight on January 1 to the end of the month, Planet Fitness saw a 50 percent score hike overall among US adults.

Taking aim at fad fitness in its post New Year’s campaign, The gym franchise urges us not to “ride the bike of shame” in its new commercial, which is part of the brand’s larger “Stop the Bullfit” campaign developed by ad agency Barkley.
“Ok you thirsty little spin goblins, I want you to peddle into the next dimension,” the cartoonishly hardcore spinning class instructor tells her class in the ad spot.
“The fitness industry has focused on the fit getting fitter for far too long, ignoring and even demotivating the roughly 80 percent of Americans who don’t yet belong to a gym,” said Chris Rondeau, Chief Executive Officer of Planet Fitness.
YouGov Ratings data Planet Fitness is more popular among Millennials compared to other age groups and is more popular with women.
Other health-related brands saw substantial January bumps, including Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem.
According to YouGov data, 50 percent of US adults who intended to make resolutions this year said they’d like to exercise more and 37 percent said they wanted to lose weight. Three weeks into 2020, we asked Americans if they stuck with their resolutions: 29 percent said they have mostly or completely stuck to them.