Nearly three-quarters of millennials have a favorable opinion of the nineties sitcom
It's been over 20 years since The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air departed prime-time television, but it still inspires love in the youngest generation of adults. According to data from YouGov Ratings, the Will Smith-led sitcom is the television show with the highest rating amongst 18- to 24-year olds; 73% of millennials have a positive opinion of the show. And it has passionate fans – 42% of milennials have a strongly positive opinion of the show.
The show is still popular, though less-so, with the general public, with a 59% positive rating. 64% of Gen X's have a favorable opinion of the show, while only 45% of Baby Boomers do.
The next most popular shows with millennials are The Simpsons, Jeopardy!, America's Funniest Home Videos, and Friends.

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