Almost one-quarter of people think he should have waited longer to return to the stage
On Sunday, comedian Louis C.K. performed for the the first time in nearly 10 months, after he had previously admitted to acts of sexual misconduct with several women. Americans aren’t sure about his return, according to YouGov Omnibus.
When asked if they thought Louis C.K. waited long enough to return to performing, the most popular answer was “Not sure,” with 47% of people choosing this response. Close to one-quarter (23%) say the comedian should have waited longer, while 20% say he waited about the right amount of time.
There were some differences between men’s and women’s opinions. Women (25%) were more likely than men (21%) to say the comedian should have waited longer before returning to the stage. Men (12%) were more likely than women (8%) to say that he should have returned sooner, and more likely to say that 10 months was about the right amount of time - 22% of men vs. 18% of women.
Generally, Americans are somewhat divided when it comes to their opinion of Louis C.K. According to YouGov Ratings data collected between November 2017 and July 2018, of the people who have heard of Louis C.K., 33% of people have a positive opinion of the comedian while 32% have a negative opinion. Another 35% have a neutral opinion about him.
Learn more about YouGov Omnibus and YouGov Ratings.
Image: Getty