The rollout of not just a single coronavirus vaccine but two were on the minds of many Americans throughout much of December. Both Pfizer and Moderna’s respective vaccines moved from development to distribution last month. According to YouGov data, the two pharmaceutical brands subsequently benefited from the highest increases in Ad Awareness over the last month.
YouGov BrandIndex data reveals the Ad Awareness score (whether someone has seen or heard an ad for a brand in the past two weeks) for Moderna and Pfizer improved by 6.3 and 6.2, respectively, throughout the month.
As the only two brands cleared to distribute vaccines in the US, Moderna and Pfizer’s boosts in Ad Awareness were likely aided by high-profile televised vaccinations of public health officials such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Insititute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Health Secretary Alex Azar. Vice President Mike Pence, his wife, and Surgeon General Jerome Adams also publicly received the vaccines live on TV to bolster public confidence in the vaccines – as well as President-in-waiting Joe Biden.
Moderna and Pfizer began the month with Ad Awareness scores of 4.8 and 15.1 respectively and with the distribution and administration of the first wave of vaccines, their scores reached 11.1 and 21.3, respectively.