Most Americans support the FDA's decision to remove Juul products from U.S. markets

Carl BialikU.S. Politics Editor and Vice President of Data Science
Kathy FrankovicConsultant
Taylor OrthDirector of Survey Data Journalism
July 01, 2022, 5:14 PM GMT+0

A majority of Americans approve of the Food and Drug Administration’s order to remove Juul products from U.S. markets – a decision the agency said was due to a lack of “sufficient evidence” that the products were safe (59% somewhat or strongly approve, 22% somewhat or strongly disapprove). The decision also has the approval of majorities of non-smokers (61%-21%), smokers (55%-26%), and even people who say they vape using an e-cigarette or other device at least a few times a year (59%-27%). Republicans are less supportive of the FDA ruling: Less than half (46%) approve. But more approve than disapprove (33%).

An even greater share of Americans approve of the FDA’s decision to require tobacco companies to reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes: 68% approve and 19% disapprove. Among smokers, 56% approve and 30% disapprove.

Who smokes? Only 22% of American adults. The percentage is higher among adults under 30, 32% of whom currently smoke, compared with 9% of Americans who are 65 and older. Smoking percentages also are higher among people with a lower level of education and less income, than among people with higher education levels and higher incomes. Vaping is much more common among adults under 45 than among older adults. There is less partisan or gender difference in smoking behavior, but women are more likely than men to say they vape at least a few times a year (46% to 37%).

How do Americans feel about health-related agencies, including the World Health Organization, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the FDA? Consistent with a poll conducted earlier this year, our latest survey finds that Republicans are more skeptical than Americans overall when it comes to federal agencies. More than half of Americans (56%) have a favorable opinion about the FDA and 54% have one about the CDC. Half hold a favorable view of the EPA (50%). Among Republicans, 64% have an unfavorable view of the CDC and 59% have an unfavorable view of the EPA. Republican opinion on the FDA is divided: 45% are favorable, while 49% are not.

This poll was conducted on June 25 - 28, 2022 among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens. Explore more on the methodology and data for this Economist/YouGov poll.

Image: E-Liquids UK on Unsplash