Supreme Court Regains Its Rank As Most Trusted Branch Of Government

June 19, 2013, 3:00 PM GMT+0

(Week of 6/15/2013) After the Supreme Court handed down its decision last year that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was constitutional, many Republicans backed away from support of the Supreme Court – and of its Chief Justice, John Roberts. This week’s Economist/YouGov Poll finds that – at least prior to any new controversial decisions – the Court has regained its stature as the country’s most trusted part of government. Although half of Republicans still say they aren’t sure which part of government they trust the most, more than a third choose the Court, far outpacing the President, Congress, or the political parties. Democrats are just as likely to say they trust the Court more as to say they trust the (Democratic) President.

Opinion of Chief Justice John Roberts remains divided, although Republicans feel better about him than they did a year ago. And, just as there was a year ago, there are plenty of parts of government Americans trust less than they do the Court. The President, Congress, and the political parties are all more likely than the Court to be named the least trusted branch.