Despite appearances, most smartphone owners do have a sense of perspective when it comes to their phone.
Grandma is still more important to smartphone owners than their smartphone.
For smartphone owners who still have a grandma, 94% say that their grandmother is important, and 81% say that she is very important to them. By comparison, although a very large 89% of smartphone owners say their phones are important only 47% believe them to be very important.
A similar number of (smartphone owning) pet owners say that their pet is important (87%), but a much larger 65% say that their pet is very important.
Cars rate extremely highly with smartphone owners, particularly with boomers and their elders whose cars outrank their pets. 94% of all adult smartphone owners ranked their car as important and 65% very important. Three quarters (74%) of smartphone owners aged 55 plus rate their car as very important compared to 66% who rated their pet so highly.
In terms of other technology, smartphones far outrank tablets and MP3 players for smartphone and tablet/MP3 owners. Only one in five (22%) of smartphone owners who also own a tablet, rate the tablets as very important.
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Image courtesy of Press Association