52% of Americans support striking down lopsided congressional districts
Republicans gained seats in Congress and state legislatures after the 2010 census because their victories in the 2010 midterms meant they controlled the constitutionally-required 2011 redistricting process. Tuesday’s arguments in the Supreme Court raised constitutional questions about that redistricting in the state of Wisconsin, when the GOP-controlled legislature drew district lines in that state. In the following legislative election, Republicans won less than half the statewide vote, but captured 60% of the seats in the State Assembly.
The latest Economist/YouGov Poll suggests that both parties think this is wrong. A majority of the public – as well as nearly half of Republicans – want the Supreme Court to strike down districts drawn to give a lopsided advantage to the party in power.

The poll was completed just before the Court heard oral arguments Tuesday on Gill et al. v. Whitford et al.
During its questioning, the Court wrestled with the question of how to determine when a redistricting plan is excessively partisan.
For more results, see toplines or full tab report.