Americans continue to doubt JFK assassination was work of one man

Kathy FrankovicConsultant
November 06, 2017, 3:00 PM GMT+0

The CIA is seen as the most likely co-conspirator

The release of more documents about the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy isn’t likely to change minds – at least, it hasn’t yet. Almost since the event, large percentages of the public have rejected the explanation that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing Kennedy. The latest Economist/YouGov Poll shows fewer than one in five Americans thinking Oswald acted alone.

That confusion helps create widespread approval for the President’s declassification and release of files associated with the Kennedy assassination. Two in three approve, and only 14% do not. Democrats, who rarely express approval of the current President, approve 59% to 21%.

However, while two in three say they are interested in the release, Americans doubt they will provide a clear answer to the widespread doubts about the official conclusion of a single gunman. Most believe these new releases won’t confirm any theory.

There are few party differences when those who believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone are asked who might have been involved. The largest percentage, nearly half, think the CIA played a role. About four in ten look to the Mafia. Fewer give credence to suspicions about the Soviet Union, Cuba, or then-Vice President Lyndon Johnson – though Republicans are somewhat more suspicious of him.

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Image: Getty

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