Eli McKown-Dawson is a Masters of Science statistics student at the London School of Economics and an Elections Analyst at the Silver Bulletin. He is a graduate of Florida State University and was previously an intern on the U.S. News team.
How much do Americans know about the 2024 presidential election?
Most Americans know that Donald Trump has been on trial for a crime in 2024, but 25% incorrectly thought he had already been convicted of a crime — according to a poll conducted weeks before he was.
24 Jun 2024Article
How Americans characterize polls about policy support among two groups and elections
When Candidates A and B have 44% and 43% support, respectively, only 15% of Americans think Candidate A is more likely than Candidate B to win the election.
16 May 2024Article
Survey says what? How Americans characterize polls about policy support
Even when a hypothetical policy has 99% support in a survey, only 66% of Americans consider that a consensus.
10 May 2024Article
How do Democrats and Republicans feel about the two parties?
Majorities of Democrats and Republicans say they would be unhappy if their child married someone of the opposite party, and hostility between the two parties increased between 2023 and 2024.
19 Apr 2024Article
How do Americans feel about walking, driving, and other ways they get around?
Driving is the form of transportation most commonly used at least weekly by Americans (65%), followed by walking (44%) and riding as a passenger in a car (35%).
28 Feb 2024Article
Americans are more likely to accept most protest tactics when the protest is for a cause they like
Americans' acceptance of protest tactics isn't a fixed quantity but varies with their view of the cause the protest is advocating for.
25 Jan 2024Article
How Americans feel about Trump’s proposed policies and the Republican primary candidates
Ahead of the Republican primaries, two YouGov polls asked Americans whether they support or oppose 30 policies proposed by Republican front-runner Donald Trump — without specifying that he has proposed them — and about which Republican primary candidate would do the best job handling a set of 16 policy issues as president.
12 Jan 2024Article
How opinions have changed on what presidential behavior Americans find objectionable
Americans are now much more likely to object to a president privately telling jokes about racial or ethnic minorities, but less likely to object to a president smoking marijuana on occasion.
17 Dec 2023Article
Where do Americans think Biden and Trump stand on the issues?
A recent YouGov poll asked Americans how each candidate’s positions on immigration, climate change, abortion, and other issues compare to the positions of other elected members of their respective parties.
20 Nov 2023Article
Which government agencies do Americans think should get more or less funding?
Most agencies get support from more Americans for an increase of funding than for a decrease — though with high percentages backing no change in funding or unsure, there is majority support for funding increases for only two agencies, and majority support for decreases for none.
15 Nov 2023