Almost Half Expect Government Shutdowns Will Be Normal Politics In Future
73% expect another government shutdown in January 2014. In case you missed it, Architect of the Capitol Stephen T. Ayers announced this week plans for a two-year, $59 million renovation of the U.S. Capitol building, complete with scaffolding over the dome and nets inside to protect visitors from things falling ...
23 Oct 2013Article
Republicans Divided in their Opinion of Senate Republicans
About three-in-four Democrats hold unfavorable views of Republicans in the House and Senate, and about nine-in-ten Republicans hold unfavorable views of Democrats in Congress. In the weekend leading up to the current train crash in Washington, Democrats were united behind the Member of Congress wearing their colored jersey, while Republicans ...
01 Oct 2013Article
You Be The Campaign Manager: Which Advertisements Tested Best
(Week of 10/26/2012) A national or statewide political campaign runs on television advertisements. To measure the effectiveness of a Presidential campaign means, in large part, measuring the effectiveness of its advertisements. The Vanderbilt/YouGov Ad Rating Project, a collaboration between YouGov and the Center for the Study of Democratic ...
31 Oct 2012Article
Debate Viewers Split On Many Judgments But Clear About Each Candidate's Priorities
(10/23/2012) Overall, 49% say President Barack Obama won the debate, 36% Republican nominee Mitt Romney -- 2012 Presidential Debate III, but on most issues and positive descriptions offered, the vote of debate viewers was much more closely split. Debate viewers were tied or essentially tied on which candidate ...
23 Oct 2012Article
Obama Won Debate, But Loses To Romney On Style
(Week of 10/20/2012) Debate viewers say President Barack Obama won the third and final Presidential debate. In a flash poll of 968 debate viewers completed in the hour after the third and final 2012 Presidential debates, Obama comes out as the clear victor with 49% of Americans viewing him ...
23 Oct 2012Article
Magical Thinking About The Federal Budget
(Week of 7/14/2012) Most Americans (51%) think the Federal budget can be balanced without raising taxes on families earning under $250,000 per year. Majorities in every income range and level of educational attainment believe that. Republicans and conservatives are especially likely to believe that. It is a belief that ...
19 Jul 2012Article
Issues That Divide Most Religious From Least Religious: Abortion, Terrorism And Immigration
(Week of 7/7/2012) Terrorism may have slipped behind other issues, but still remains a concern for most Americans. Overall, 80% rate terrorism an important issue, far behind Topic A: The economy (97%), and also behind health care (93% and rising with a bullet since the Supreme Court decision), Social ...
12 Jul 2012Article
Youngest Voters Have A Problem With Likely Republican Nominee Mitt Romney
(Week of 6/30/2012) Americans continue to have a slightly more favorable opinion of incumbent President Barack Obama than likely Republican challenger Mitt Romney in the most recent Economist/YouGov poll (Week of June 30, 2012). Overall, 50% have a favorable opinion of Obama to 44% unfavorable, For Romney, it is ...
05 Jul 2012Article
Truths That Are Self-Evident In 2012
(Week of 6/30/2012) The public hasn’t paid close attention to the debate over Operation Fast and Furious, created by the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Agency, which kept illegal guns on the street in hopes of building better criminal cases. Only 59% in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll have heard of ...
04 Jul 2012Article
What's To Like? What's Not To Like?
(Week of 6/23/2012) Presumptive Republican Presidential nominee has had one real job for the past 5 or 6 years now, since he started his first run for President. One element of that job, surely, is to get a significant percentage of Americans to really like him. So far, he’s ...
29 Jun 2012