Full data from likely voters for the 2014 New York Times / CBS News / YouGov Battleground Tracker.
Battleground Tracker 2014: Ohio YouGov Politics & current affairs September 10, 2014, 12:16 PM GMT+0 Share Printable version Full data from likely voters for the 2014 New York Times / CBS News / YouGov Battleground Tracker. What do Americans expect from Donald Trump's second term? Politics Do Americans think AI will have a positive or negative impact on society? Technology How often do Americans go on dates? Not as often as they’d like Society What Americans think about home DNA tests and their potential uses Health 44% of Republicans and 16% of Democrats say men and women in the U.S. are treated as equals Politics 'Liberal', 'left,' 'conservative,' and 'right': Americans identify their ideology Politics Most Americans see corruption among politicians, judges, and executives as serious problems Politics The incoming Trump administration, the outgoing Biden administration, the economy, and wildfires: January 12-14, 2025 Economist/YouGov Poll Politics Immigration, terrorism, TikTok, and health care: January 5-8, 2025 Economist/YouGov Poll Politics