Full data from likely voters for the 2014 New York Times / CBS News / YouGov Battleground Tracker.
Battleground Tracker 2014: Ohio YouGov Politics & current affairs September 10, 2014, 12:16 PM GMT+0 Share Printable version Full data from likely voters for the 2014 New York Times / CBS News / YouGov Battleground Tracker. YouGov acquires Yabble Economy Should U.S. transit systems designate women-only cars? Society Harris, the gender gap, inflation, and foreign wars: August 17 - 20, 2024 Economist/YouGov Poll Politics About half of working Americans believe AI will decrease the number of available jobs in their industry Economy Harris' lead, the military, the debate, and voting: September 1 - 3, 2024 Economist/YouGov Poll Politics How Americans expect Harris and Trump to perform in their first debate Politics Harris wins the debate: Voters say she has clearer plans and tells fewer lies than Trump Politics Kamala Harris' debate win hasn't yet won her new voters, but more like her and see her as qualified Politics What Americans think about the Roman Empire Entertainment