Republicans Lead Democrats In Pennsylvania Governor and Senate Race

October 29, 2010, 5:13 AM GMT+0

The Republican candidates for Governor and U.S. Senate lead their Democrat opponents heading into the final few days. Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Corbett currently leads Democrat Dan Onorato by 9 points among both registered voters and likely voters. The race among the candidates for U.S. Senate is slightly closer with Republican Pat Toomey leading Democrat Joe Sestak by 6 percentage points among registered and likely voters.


Registered VotersLikely Voters

Joe Sestak



Pat Toomey




Registered VotersLikely Voters

Dan Onorato



Tom Corbett



Republicans Holding Lead Among Men, White And Older Likely Voters

Republican candidates for Governor and U.S. Senate hold solid leads over their opponents among white, older and male voters. The Democratic candidates have a slight lead over their Republican opponent among women, a traditional Democratic strength. Republican Gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett has a 23 point advantage among men, a 15 point lead among white likely voters, and a 5 point lead among likely voters aged 65 and over. Demo- crat Dan Onorato holds a small 3 point lead over Tom Corbett among women. Republican U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey holds a 19 point lead over Democrat Joe Sestak among men and a 12 point lead among white voters. Receiving a little bit more support among the typical Democratic base of women than the Democratic Candidate for Governor, Joe Sestak holds a 6 point advantage over Pat Toomey.


Interviews with 1000 registered voters, including 779 likely voters, were conducted October 25-28, 2010, online using YouGov’s PollingPoint panel. YouGov uses a matched sample methodology that selects respondents to match the Pennsylvania registered voter population in terms of demographics (age, race, gender, education, employment status, income, marital status, children), past voting behavior, and political attitudes (interest in politics, party registration, and ideology).

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