Nearly three times as many Americans favor allowing gay men and women to serve
openly in the U.S. military as oppose the change, putting the country in agreement
with the change certified by the President last week. In the latest Economist/YouGov
Poll, 63% are in favor of having gay men and women serve openly, including majorities
of all age groups.

Republicans and conservatives are the only groups who have some disagreement
about the policy change. Republicans divide closely on the end of “don’t ask, don’t
tell,” with 41% for and 40% against. More conservatives oppose the repeal of the
policy than support it.
A majority of Americans also support legal recognition of same-sex partnerships,
although just 38% would choose same-sex marriage (an additional 24% support
civil unions). But there are indications in this poll that attitudes on this issue will
continue to change. A majority under the age of 30 support the legalization of
same-sex marriages.

Support for same-sex marriage increases with education and income, and is highest
in the Northeast and West regions.
Full datasets for Economist/YouGov polls can be found here.
Photo source: Press Association