Looking ahead to the fall election, President Barack Obama remains the favorite. In the latest Economist/YouGov Poll he has gained ground in the last week. Among registered voters, he is ahead of the leading candidates for the Republican nomination, and runs farther ahead against Texas Governor Rick Perry than against former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

Obama’s lead over Perry, including those registered voters who say they are leaning one way or the other, is 13 points: Obama 51%, Perry 38%. Last week, the difference was only three points. The President also leads Romney, but by a smaller margin: Obama 48%, Romney 41%. Last week, Obama had only a two point edge.
Against two other possible GOP nominees, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Obama’s margin is even bigger this week: 16 points against Bachmann, 19 points against Palin.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.
Photo source: Press Association