Americans want the government to help those affected by Hurricane Irene, when brought wind and rain to both the Atlantic Coast and far inland. But one in three Americans in the latest Economist/YouGov want that help to come at a price: they say government assistance to those affected by the hurricane should be matched with spending cuts elsewhere in the federal budget.

This position has been taken by leading Republican Members of Congress. And it is supported by Republicans nationally: 57% of Republicans believe any storm aid should be matched by budget cuts elsewhere. This poll also shows a certain amount of self-interest. Majorities in the Northeast and their South, the regions affected by Hurricane Irene, think disaster aid should not be linked to budget cuts.

The President gets good marks for his reaction to the hurricane. By 56% to 18%, Americans say he cares about the needs and problems of those affected; by 43% to 15%, they approve of the way he is handling the government’s response to Hurricane Irene.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.
Photo source: Press Association