Only 27% Think The Obama Jobs Plan Will Create Many New Jobs

September 26, 2011, 5:12 PM GMT+0

The President has a way to go to convince Americans that his economic stimulus proposal, the “American Jobs Act,” is what needs to be done to reduce unemployment in the country. In this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll, only 27% believe it will create a substantial number of new jobs; 45% disagree. 

One week ago, just after the President’s address to Congress and the nation on jobs, there was more optimism — at least among those who listened to at least some of the speech. 42% of those listeners believed the plan would create a substantial number of new jobs.

Americans narrowly agree that there needs to be government spending to create jobs and stimulate the economy. 38% support government spending on this; 34% don’t. This is a highly partisan issue: 63% of Democrats favor more spending; 70% of Republicans do not.

But looking further ahead at the potential results of the President’s performance on the economy — which is still, by a wide margin, the country’s most important issue
— more Americans think his handling of the economy will increase unemployment over the next year than think it will reduce it. 

American approval of the President’s handling of the economy has trended down recently. This week, 28% approve of how President Obama has handled the economy, and more than twice as many disapprove. Half think the economy is getting worse — and only 8% see it as improving. 

Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.

Photo source: Press Association

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