The Occupy Wall Street movement continues to gather attention — and increasingly positive assessments from the public. In this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll 31% say they have heard a great deal about OWS, up ten points in one week. More than eight in ten have heard something, nearly as many as those who have heard something about the more than one year old Tea Party movement.

More important, Americans seem to like the Occupy Wall Street movement. By 43% to 30%, they support its goals. Even among those with incomes above $100,000, more say they support the movement’s goals than oppose them.
OWS fares much better in public esteem than does the Tea Party. Opinion of the Tea Party is slightly more negative than positive.

Occupy Wall Street identifiers are from all age groups and all educational and income levels. They are more likely to be Democrats, and — unlike the public overall – they are hopeful about government spending and the President’s jobs bills. By more than three to one, they favor government spending to create jobs and stimulate the economy. By more than two to one, they believe the President’s jobs bill would create a significant number of new jobs.
In addition, OWS identifiers are engaged in the 2012 election. Just as many OWS identifiers as Tea Partiers claim to be paying very close attention to the campaign, making both groups far more attentive than the public overall.

Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.
Photo source: Press Association