Nearly eight in ten Americans have heard about the European debt crisis — and most of them worry that what happens in Europe will hurt the American economy. But the latest Economist/YouGov Poll suggests that hardly any of them want the U.S. to step in and financially help those European governments that are in trouble.
The worry stems in part from the continuing concern about the state of the American economy. Just 12% in this week’s poll think it is getting better; 45% say it is still getting worse. So there may be little surprise that 76% believe the European crisis likely will impact this country; only 4% say that’s not likely to happen.

But the principal response to the crisis is for the U.S. to stay out. Only 9% think the U.S. should offer financial assistance, while 80% object to that. The opposition includes all parties, and all income groups.

Most Americans don’t have much confidence in European government leaders when it comes to resolving the crisis. 37% are confident that those government leaders can fix the problems, but 48% are not. However, there is little confidence in U.S. leaders as well: President Obama’s approval rating for handling the economy is just 30%.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.
Photo source: Press Association