President Barack Obama’s approval rating remains low: just 39% in this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll approve of how he is handling his job, down from last week, and three points above his all-time low. But he is still competitive in 2012 fall matchups.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is nearly tied with the President when registered voters are asked who they would vote for if the November 2012 election were being held today. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich narrowly trails the President. Businessman Herman Cain is farther behind.

There is nearly a year to go before that election, and it is by no means certain that any of these three men will actually be the Republican nominee. But the President continues to have serious difficulties when it comes to handing the economy. Only 30% approve of his performance on that front.
And when it comes to the President as a person, there may be problems as well. More than one in four Americans dislike him. And when asked if he mostly says what he believes, or mostly says what he thinks people what to hear, 58% say he panders — matching the highest previous percentage thinking this.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.
Photo source: Press Association