Both Parties Get The Blame For Supercommittee’s Failure

November 28, 2011, 6:00 PM GMT+0

Americans aren’t surprised by the Congressional Super Committee’s inability to come to an agreement on reducing the deficit — most never expected its members could — or would – agree. And in this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll, Americans see enough blame to go around: nearly half put the blame on members of both political parties. 

Americans agree that the size of the federal budget deficit is an important matter — 85% express concern. And most believe government spending must be cut: 71% overall say that, including 58% of Democrats. There is still only minority support for increasing revenue by raising taxes: just 28% (and 43% of Democrats) support doing that. 

Americans aren’t sure where to turn to fix the deficit: just 31% approve of how the President is handling the problem. There is no consensus on which party is better at it: 35% trust the Democrats, 33% trust the Republicans, and 32% say both parties are the same.

As for Congress overall, the Super Committee’s failure hasn’t helped the legislative branch’s image. In fact, Congress’s approval rating in this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll is just one point above its all-time low. Only 8% approve of how Congress is handling its job, while 70% disapprove. 

Clearly the situation is worrying Americans. 74% say the country is on the wrong track, matching the high during the Obama Administration. Nearly half think the economy is getting worse. 

Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.

Photo source: Press Association

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