51% of GOP voters are content with the choices they have, though a significant number still are not happy: in this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll, 51% declare they are satisfied with their nomination choices, but 23% would like more people to run. The rest aren’t sure.
Satisfaction is higher among some of the more educated and the more conservative parts of the party. Nearly two out of three GOP voters with college degrees are satisfied; so are 60% of Tea Party identifiers and conservatives. But less than half
— 45% – of Republican voters who do not identify with the Tea Party are happy with their options.
Democratic voters are mostly content with having President Obama run for reelection. Just 11% want someone else to be their party’s nominee. 76% say they are satisfied having President Obama run again. Even most liberals, who have been said to be disappointed in the President’s performance, are content. 82% of them say they are satisfied having Barack Obama at the top of the ticket in 2012.
However, Republicans primary and caucus voters are, by and large, much more attentive to the presidential campaign. 53% say they are paying very close attention to the presidential election. In contrast, just 34% of Democratic voters are that attentive. Attentiveness, however, has been increasing as the primary and caucus season draws closer. The Iowa caucuses are only five weeks away.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.
Photo source: Press Association