Most Americans approve of Congress' pro-impeachment conduct

Linley SandersData Journalist
December 23, 2019, 9:00 PM GMT+0

This data was additionally published in Yahoo News’ “In new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, most voters agree with Trump's impeachment — but support for his removal falls just short of 50%” as part of a Yahoo News/YouGov poll on impeachment

Most constituents of pro-impeachment representatives in the US House approve of their representative’s conduct during the impeachment of President Donald Trump (53%), according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll conducted after the House of Representatives’ final impeachment vote.

A plurality of Americans on both sides of impeachment approved of their Congressperson’s conduct, but Americans with representatives who voted for impeachment are more likely to express approval than constituents of anti-impeachment representatives. Among US adults who said their representative voted for impeachment, 53 percent approved and 33 percent disapproved of how they handled impeachment.

Among constituents of anti-impeachment representatives, the margins are much closer: 44 percent approve of how their representative handled impeachment and 38 percent disapprove.

While data indicates that Democrats did not overwhelmingly convince the nation that President Trump should be removed from office—48% say he should be removed and 40% say he should not be removed in the latest Yahoo News / YouGov poll—most registered voters believe he is guilty of the two charges cited in the US House’s articles of impeachment.

A majority (53%) of registered voters say Trump abused his powers as president and obstructed Congress (51%). In both cases, only two in five (40%) registered voters believe he was not guilty of these acts.

Even more registered voters believe Trump ordered White House and other Executive Branch officials to withhold information and not testify before Congressional committees (60%) and asked a foreign leader to investigate a political opponent (59%).

Related: Americans more certain of how the impeachment inquiry will end for President Trump

See the full toplines and crosstabs from the Yahoo News/YouGov survey

Methodology: The survey was conducted by YouGov for Yahoo News. A representative sample of 1,500 adults from YouGov’s research panel were interviewed online. The sample was weighted by age, race, gender, education, voter registration, and 2016 presidential vote. The margin of error (MOE) for the full sample was 2.8 percent. The sample included 1,117 registered voters, and the MOE for percentages of registered voters is 3.4%.

Image: Getty