Is This Romney’s Biggest Weakness? Just 37% Of Gop Voters Think He Is Conservative

January 31, 2012, 9:00 PM GMT+0

Most members of the Republican Party call themselves conservatives. But the latest Economist/YouGov Poll (Week of 1/21/2012) suggests that most GOP voters aren’t sure that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is one of them. Just 37% describe Romney as a conservative. In contrast, 70% see his chief rival Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, that way. And even more, 84%, think of former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum as a conservative. 

In fact, more describe Santorum as “very conservative” than think Romney is even “somewhat” conservative. Half of GOP voters think of Romney as “moderate.” 

Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.

Photo source: Press Association

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