Mortgage Crisis: Who Is Hurt?

February 23, 2012, 9:00 PM GMT+0

Americans see a big impact of foreclosure and the mortgage crisis in their communities, and while many worry about paying their mortgages, less than one in ten voters in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll (Week of 2/11/2012) say they have personally fallen behind in their payments.

In fact, those most affected are not registered to vote or say they don’t usually vote. Just 5% of Democratic voters and 10% of GOP voters say they have fallen behind in their payments sometime in the last twelve months. Overall, 88% of voters are up-to-date in their payments. 

That doesn’t mean that voters aren’t worried about what could happen. 18% of Democratic voters and 22% of GOP voters say they are likely to have problems meeting their mortgage payments in the next year. And more than a third say the crisis has had a big impact on their own communities. But partisans react differently to one solution from President Obama. Asked whether they support or oppose the $25 billion settlement from major mortgage banks to help homeowners refinance and reduce their debts, most Democratic voters approve; most GOP voters do not. 

Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.

Photo source: Press Association

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