A little more than 12 hours after President Donald Trump threatened to bring in the military to quell unrest in American cities, presumptive Democratic candidate for president Joe Biden said in an address Tuesday morning that the president is “more interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people in his care.”
Shortly after the address, YouGov asked more than 1,200 of its users “which do you believe Trump cares more about?”
Three in 10 (30%) Americans says the president cares more about the passions of his supporter base, while one in 10 (10%) says he cares more about the people in his care.
A quarter (25%) says he cares equally about the passions of his base and the needs of people in his care. About another quarter (26%) says he doesn’t care about either.
Biden gave his address as protests continue across the country in response to George Floyd’s death while in custody of Minneapolis police.
“Donald Trump has turned this country into a battlefield riven by old resentments and fresh fears,” Biden said from Philadelphia City Hall Tuesday.
Meanwhile, A YouGov Direct poll of more than 1,200 individuals conducted immediately after Trump’s address on Monday found a slim majority (52%) believe it’s inappropriate for Trump to say he will deploy the US military on American cities that don’t call in the National Guard.
Methodology: 1,235 US adults were interviewed through the YouGov Direct app. Results are weighted by gender and age to best represent the US population. This survey was conducted online on June 2, 2020.