Negotiating and the NFL: Does Anybody Care?

March 04, 2011, 1:15 AM GMT+0

There is little sympathy in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll for either side in one labor dispute - the one taking place between National Football League players and football team owners. Although just over half the public have even heard about the negotiations (the current contract expires this week), about half of that group expect there will be canceled games next season. Most have little or no sympathy for the players. Even more have little or no sympathy for the team owners. 42% have some sympathy for the players; just 23% have sympathy for the owners.

Democrats, who generally are more sympathetic than Republicans to labor unions, have more sympathy for the players. 49% of Democrats have at least some sympathy for the players; just 33% of Republicans do. One reason why there may be little sympathy for the players is that nearly two in three of those paying attention to the dispute believe NFL players just earn too much money.

Image source: flickr (Arty Smokes)

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