Attacking Iran? 84% Of GOP Voters Are In Favor

March 15, 2012, 6:27 PM GMT+0

(Week of 3/10/2012) Americans are worried about the possibility of Iran developing nuclear weapons, and concerned about whether or not sanctions will work. But Republican voters are much more willing than Democratic ones to approve of military action to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

By 48% to 15%, Americans think tougher international economic sanctions on Iran will not work, although many aren’t sure. In fact, just 39% say they have heard a lot about the dispute.

Americans certainly don’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons, prioritizing it above avoiding a military conflict with that country. 66% say it’s more important to keep nuclear weapons out of Iran’s hands. But there are partisan differences: Democratic voters are nearly evenly divided, while 84% of GOP voters would support military action to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

If Israel were to attack Iran in order to stop its nuclear weapons program, Americans are mixed about the appropriate U.S. response. 45% would want the U.S. to support Israel. Again, there is a large party difference. 72% of GOP voters, and only 27% of Democratic ones, would want the U.S. to support Israel’s military action. Close to half of Democratic voters would want the U.S. to stay neutral. There is also a gender gap: 54% of men but only 36% of women would support Israel’s actions.

Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here

Photo source: Press Association

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