Eight Years in Iraq

March 28, 2011, 11:40 PM GMT+0

Sunday marked the eighth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. But the issue is far from the front of the minds of many Americans. Just 1% in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll say it is the most important issue for the country, as the economy remains the most important concern.

And while 35% say the Iraq war is a “very important” issue for them, even more say that about a number of other issues, including immigration, the environment, education, the economy, health care, terrorism, Social Security, the budget deficit and taxes.

The public’s assessment of the President’s handling of Iraq rose after he declared an end to combat operations there last August, but Americans still disapprove of how he is dealing with the war. In this poll, 42% approve, while 45% disapprove.

Image source: flickr ( expertinfantry )

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