(Week of 6/16/2012) The contest for the presidency remains close, with an equal percentage of registered voters committed to each side. In this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney each get support from 44% of registered voters nationwide.
But the President continues to be viewed as the favorite to win this fall. Four in ten registered voters think he will probably be the victor, while just one in four expect that Romney will win.
Romney may be hoping that his choice of a Vice Presidential running mate will increase his odds of winning. The Democratic Vice President, Joe Biden, is viewed favorably by 43% of registered voters and unfavorably by 47% (about the same evaluation that voters give to Romney; the President scores only marginally better). Three Republican contenders receive divided assessments from the public right now. Just about as many registered voters give Florida Senator Marco Rubio, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan negative evaluations as give each of them positive ones.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association