YouGov panelist writes: ObamaCare means exactly that

June 22, 2012, 1:01 AM GMT+0

ObamaCare to me means exactly that – Obama Cares. Finally we have a President who cares enough about us to make sure we have the health care we need even if it hurts him politically. I was an Independent cynic my entire life until Barack Obama penetrated my consciousness.

The benefit to my family was almost immediate. My children are eligible to be covered under my husband’s health care plan until they are 26. This is a huge weight off a mom’s heart. I no longer worry about unexpected, catastrophic health care costs crushing them at the beginning of their adult lives. I know, thanks to ObamaCare, my daughters will not be charged more for health insurance coverage because they are female.

It always bothered me that health insurance companies look at a dollar and decide whether to use that dollar to help a child live or enrich their shareholders. I believe sometimes when they had to pay too many dollars toward helping people be healthy they just raised their premiums. They still have that ability but now they must justify any potential rate hikes.

There are at least two other wonderful advantages that give me peace of mind for my whole family. The insurance company cannot cancel coverage when we really need it. There are no annual or lifetime dollar limits on care.

In August, ObamaCare adds even more benefits. That is when all new plans must cover preventive services such as well-woman visits, mammograms, colonoscopies, breastfeeding equipment, contraception and domestic violence screening without charging a deductible, co-pay or coinsurance. We can all have the tests necessary to catch a potential illness at the earliest stage without cutting into our food budget.

Speaking of food, ObamaCare also requires chain restaurants with more than 20 locations to provide calorie counts for their menu items. What an excellent idea. We can make informed food choices to keep us healthy; further reducing our health care costs.

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