(Week of 8/25/2012) The presidential horserace continues to be very tight. In this week’s Economist/YouGov poll, 47% of registered voters say they will vote or are leaning towards voting for Mitt Romney; 46% are voting or leaning towards Barack Obama.
The contenders go into the two weeks of conventions essentially even. Romney is helped by Americans’ perceptions that the economy is not improving: only 22% believe that; 38% continue to think it is getting worse. Only 36% approve of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy, which remains the most important issue for Americans. And as for his Administration, 55% believe it does not represent real change, just "more of the same" partisan politics.
Just 48% of those who say they will vote to re-elect Mr. Obama think his Administration represents real change.
As of now, the President is holding the support of most but not all of those who voted for him in 2008: 85% of those who said they voted for the President in 2008 will vote for him again.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association