President Obama’s Democrats are feeling much better about the President’s reelection chances than Republicans are when it comes to winning in 2012. In the latest Economist/YouGov Poll, just 11% of Democrats say President Obama is not likely to win next year. Three in four say his re-election is likely.
There is enthusiasm for his campaign among Democrats: by two to one, they are enthusiastic about his candidacy. Seven in ten support his candidacy.
Do you support or oppose Barack Obama running for reelection in the 2012 presidential election? Asked of Democrats.
Support | 71% |
Neither support, nor oppose | 14% |
Oppose | 15% |
Do you feel enthusiastic about Barack Obama running for reelection in the 2012 presidential election? Asked of Democrats.
Yes | 67% |
No | 33% |
Do you think Barack Obama can beat the Republican nominee in the 2012 presidential election? Asked of Democrats.
Definitely yes | 45% |
Probably yes | 29% |
Probably no | 7% |
Definitely no | 4% |
Not sure | 15% |
Democrats who are lukewarm about the President’s candidacy tend to be Democratic moderates and conservatives. Liberals are the most supportive.
There is less support for Vice President Joe Biden. Less than half of Democrats say the President should keep him on the ticket in 2012; one in five want someone else.

The President continues to lead a country that is divided when it comes to judging his performance in office. In this week’s poll, 45% approve of the way he is handling his job; 46% disapprove.