(Week of 4/27/2013) After his first hundred days in office, in April, 2009, nearly six in ten Americans in the Economist/YouGov Poll approved of the way Barack Obama was handling his job. After his second hundred days, perceptions are not as good: 47% approve of how he is handling his job, and just as many disapprove.
Sluggish economic growth since 2009 hasn’t helped. Then, perceptions may have been helped by the President’s honeymoon period with the country: one in four said the economy was getting better. Now, even though there has been improvement, that percentage hasn’t budged. Now, as then, just over a third think the economic situation is continuing to get worse.
But the President is not the onlyWashington institution to look worse now than four years ago. Congress’ approval rating, which was just 23% four years ago, is barely half of that today.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association