Americans have an improving view of David Petraeus, but many would not consider voting for him.
David Petraeus was widely credited with turning around the war in Iraq and was appointed as CIA Director by Barack Obama. He resigned late last year, however, when the FBI discovered that he had an affair with his biographer.
38% said that they have a favorable opinion of Petraeus, while 26% have an unfavourable opinion. A significant number (36%) have yet to make up their mind about Petraeus. This is slightly improved from opinions immediately after his resignation in November, when 35% had a favorable opinion and 37% unfavorable. He is still significantly less popular than he was in May 2010, when an absolute majority viewed him favorably and only 13% had an unfavorable opinion of him.
Despite the generally positive opinion of David Petraeus, his chances of being voted into high public office appear slim with 38% saying they would not consider voting for him and 30% saying they would consider it. Only Republicans (38% vs. 33%) were more likely to consider voting for him than not.
David Petraeus has not openly said that he intends to run for any public office, but his future plans have been subject to much speculation.
Complete results are available here.
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