(Week of 7/20/2013) President Barack Obama’s Friday statement after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, once again brought race back into the discussion of the Obama Presidency. America’s first African-American President has been perceived differently by whites and blacks – and the trial and the President’s personal feelings about the result haven’t changed that.
The President’s overall approval rating this week is 44%, about where it has been for several years, apart from a slight improvement at the beginning of his second term. More than half disapprove.

But there has been no significant difference in the way blacks and whites perceive him since last week’s poll. 34% of whites this week approve, compared with 35% last week. African-American approval also remains unchanged: 88% approved last week, 87% this week.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association