Meanwhile, 56% of Republicans think that standardized tests should be required for college admissions
The University of Chicago recently announced that it would not require undergraduate applicants to submit their SAT or ACT scores. Many other colleges and universities around the country have also made it optional for applicants to submit their test scores, rather than making the scores a required part of the application process. New data from YouGov shows that more than one-third (36%) of Americans believe that standardized tests should still be necessary for college admission.

Republicans (56%) were significantly more likely than Democrats (26%) and Independent (39%) voters to say that standardized tests should be required. Meanwhile, the largest number of Democrats (36%) thought standardized tests should be optional in the admissions process. Fewer than one in five Americans overall (15%) thought that colleges should not consider standardized tests whatsoever.
There were also sharp distinctions when it came to age groups. Only 19% of people between 18 and 24 thought the tests should be necessary, compared to 25% of people 25-34, 31% of people 35-44, 39% of people 45-54, and 48% of people who are 55 and up.
Men (41%) were also more likely than women (31%) to think that standardized tests should be required. They were almost equally as likely to be in favor of optional standardized tests (27% of men and 26% of women), but women (18%) were slightly more likely than men (11%) to say standardized tests should not be considered at all.
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Image: Getty